• Anne-Sophie Trompette
  • Ostéopathe D.O.
    • 21 MAR 23
    • 0

    Whole of Government Grant Agreement

    As governments seek to fund and support various initiatives, they often rely on grant agreements to allocate resources and ensure accountability. One type of grant agreement that has gained prominence in recent years is the « whole of government grant agreement. »

    What is a whole of government grant agreement?

    A whole of government grant agreement, as the name suggests, involves an agreement between a funding agency and multiple government agencies. Rather than dispersing funds through separate agreements with individual agencies, a whole of government grant agreement consolidates funding and oversight responsibilities under one agreement.

    This type of agreement is often used for large-scale initiatives that require coordination across multiple agencies. By centralizing funding and oversight, the grant agreement can help streamline the grant process, reduce administrative burden, and facilitate collaboration across agencies.

    Benefits of a whole of government grant agreement

    There are several benefits to using a whole of government grant agreement. For one, it can help ensure alignment and coordination across government agencies. By bringing together agencies with related missions, a whole of government grant agreement can help ensure that resources are used in a strategic and integrated manner.

    This can also lead to greater efficiencies and cost savings. Rather than each agency managing their own grant funding, a whole of government grant agreement can help consolidate administrative tasks and reduce redundancies.

    Additionally, a whole of government grant agreement can help improve accountability and transparency. With multiple agencies involved in the management and oversight of a grant, there are more opportunities for oversight and checks and balances. This can help ensure that the grant funding is being used for its intended purpose and that outcomes are being achieved.

    Challenges of a whole of government grant agreement

    While there are many potential benefits to a whole of government grant agreement, there are also some challenges to consider. Perhaps the biggest challenge is ensuring effective communication and coordination across government agencies. With multiple agencies involved, there is a risk of silos forming and coordination breaking down.

    Additionally, a whole of government grant agreement can be more complex than a traditional grant agreement, which may require more resources and administrative support. There may also be challenges in defining roles and responsibilities for each agency, particularly if there are overlapping missions or areas of responsibility.


    Overall, a whole of government grant agreement can be a powerful tool for coordinating and aligning government agencies around a common purpose. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and challenges before pursuing this type of agreement. By doing so, governments can ensure that grant funding is used effectively and efficiently to achieve desired outcomes.

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